
 3 Days in Dublin
*For some highlights and tips about each destination you can jump to them by clicking here or scrolling to the bottom of each page under The Run Down.

Our adventure began in Dublin Ireland, which I like to call the rookie mistake experience. We stayed at My Place Dublin, which was smelly and drunk girls stumbled in our 12 person room at all hours of the night, but after more travelling it seems that’s just the hostel life, and it’s not for everyone.

Our first stop was Galway Brewery’s: The Brew Dock where we were greeted with smiles from the bartender  who talked about his family while he showed us the variety of local ales/ciders. They also have tons of  tasty gluten free options for my fellow people with allergies//intolerances.

   Wicklow (day 2): The Hunt for Gerard Butler
Running on zero sleep when you travel is to be expected, but you have the traveller’s high so excitement keeps you going. Taking the train to Wicklow we were in high spirits because we saw the picturesque side of Ireland you see on postcards. We went to Wicklow National Park,  (pro tip: the park is in GLENDALOUGH not WICKLOW so don’t get off early like we did) which is a beautiful site for hiking and is also featured in the iconic Gerard Butler rom com- Ps. I Love You. We spent 3 hours hiking amongst the beautiful autumnal trees seeking out our very own Gerard Butler, but mostly enjoying the view. Plus who needs Gerard Butler, when you can have a picnic with your travel buddy in views like this:

I can’t even begin to describe how beautiful this place is, but I can tell you I was all smiles from ear to ear while we trekked through the forest listening to Steve Earl’s ‘Galway Girl’ and came out to a clearing where two mountain peaks were hugging the lake. It’s that warm fall feeling you have when pumpkin spice lattes are out and plaid shirts are protocol.  This is just 40 mins from Dublin so I STRONGLY recommend a visit to anyone who goes. After hours of hiking we ate at the Wicklow Heather, just a short walk away from the national park. It’s a family run restaurant and the food and service was great. It was all in all a successful day.

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Dublin Take 2
On our last day in Dublin we went all out with the go to spots. We hit up Trinity College to explore the historic buildings, but not before stopping at the Brick Alley Cafe for Dublin’s best hot chocolate. It was wonderfully creamy and delicious on a cool fall day (ps. they have fun flavours, I got salted caramel). We then ventured on to Whelan’s Pub (the bar where Gerard Butler meets Holly in Ps. I love you) because we love ps. I love you (if you haven’t caught on) Although we didn’t have time to party there it had a great vibe and hosts lots of awesome live performers so I would check it out if you have the time. Plus the street art on the way is pretty great, my personal fav was this Straight outta Compton revision. Finally the other tourist staples of the Guiness Brewery and The Brazen Head, the oldest pub in Ireland.

The Run Down.

Where to stay: My Place Dublin (not the cleanest, but one of the cheapest if you’re on a budget
Where to eat: Galway Brewery, The Brazen Head, The Heather Wicklow (half hour from Dublin)
Best Place to grab a quick bite/Coffee: Brick Alley Cafe (BEST HOT CHOCOLATE)
Nightlife: Whelan’s Pub, Temple Bar
Sights and Excursions: WICKLOW NATIONAL PARK, Guinness Brewery,  Trinity College, Dublin Castle

What are your favourite Dublin Spots!? Let me know in the comments below:)
xx Kailee